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    Client: BIÖG (Bundesinstitut für Öffentliche Gesundheit)

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    Location: Stuttgart

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    Date: 02/2025

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    Service: Event


At didacta 2025, we successfully hosted our first event for the BIÖG (Bundesinstitut für Öffentliche Gesundheit). We are proud to contribute to the German healthcare system by raising awareness about the crucial topic of organ and tissue donation and providing essential information.

Thanks to our experienced booth staff, we were able to engage with and inform around 2,000 visitors over the course of the five-day education fair. With more than 4,000 organ donor cards distributed and a wide range of tailored educational materials, the strong interest in this subject—particularly in the educational sector—was evident.

We look forward to supporting this very important topic at future events and fostering an ongoing, meaningful dialogue.

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